One People, One Sky

Astronomers Without Borders is actively building and cultivating community around the world through astronomy.

Astronomers Without Borders is a global community that appreciates, studies, and shares the wonders of the universe, to broaden perspective, transcend borders, and improve lives

It is this bond between people that Astronomers Without Borders hopes to foster. A brief message or the gift of a small telescope can grow into lasting bonds, goodwill and friendships that reach around the world. Understanding replaces ignorance and suspicion. Media images are superseded by the faces of real people. Relationships, support and personal connections supplant stereotypes

In our work together over the last few years, large steps have been made for the organization.
First and foremost:

+ clarity about its mission and focus on its day-to-day management has been regained by its leadership.
+ Its worldwide community is growing and membership is increasing.

Our relationship with the organization has included direct strategic participation with the leadership team, creative communications, social media and special items for presentation as shown above.

We appreciate the endorsement of our work by organization leader Zoe Chee and Communications Manager, Andrew Fazekas.